IISA WK 2023 te Samoëns Frankrijk - mededelingen en uitslagen

Op de facebookpagina van IISA is het volgende bericht te vinden:

Day 1 is done. Well done to all you super frozen ICE heroes. You are just amazing.

We advise swimmers to read the rules amendments section to avoid any disqualifications. [See images]

The 1000m swimmers that have gone over 22min but finished their swim, their time will be reinstated and qualified.

Results are available on FFN site. However, age group results are on the IISA Event website.


Scroll down to the distances and Click on the 3 medals icon on the left. If they are not complete. They are in the process of entry.

Race schedule here as well.

Good luck on day 2. Break the ICE. and have fun.

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