Follow all the events and results on IISA countries FB pages/group and on IISA Event Calendar. We have events all around the ICE every weekend, so much ICE so many options... the ICE is going no where (we hope).
On another note, IISA Board has reshuffled to reflect its global reach and move its activity centre from Cape Town South Africa, its birth place, to the frozen world. We would like to extended gratitude and well done to Kieron Palframan and Ryan Stramrood who were there from our first meeting and contributed a lot to IISA and its development. Ryan and Kieron are stepping down as IISA board members to make space for new comers who will help us take it to the next level of Global ICE Swimming experience.
IISA would like to welcome Richard Broer from the Netherland to IISA Board. Richard is not a new face to OpenWater swimming and we recommend you take a look at his impressive background. Richard has also been very instrumental, together with the Frozen Flying Dutch-Man, Fergil Hesterman in getting IISA Netherland off the ground.
Welcome Richard and we are looking forward to your wisdom and experience (and an Ice Mile at some stage....:)
Keep it Frozen, Keep it Safe....and See you all in the ICE